Hello People Who Probably Don't Care Too Much,
This will be probably the first and last blog that I post that doesn't have pictures or videos associated with it, but since I have neither of them right now, this is what you get.
Mountain State of Mind, much like Billy Joel's New York State of Mind or the Granite State of Mind, Jay-Z had something in between the two of them, I believe. Well, after spending the summer of 2010 living and working in the in the Granite State, I moved to the Mountain State for graduate school at WVU. So for at the least the next 16 months, I will be living, studying, working, and most importantly playing in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia. While I'm here, I am going to try my best to blog about it, to let those who care and those who don't know what I've been up to. Plus, it would be nice to look back on this adventure here and remember what I've done.
For 2011, I have made some investments in chronicling my adventures. An HD GoPro helmet camera, an Insignia HD Camcorder, and an Olympus Stylus Tough 6020 have been purchased, along with a drybox and plenty of memory cards and back up batteries!
Being a graduate student in WVU's Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Resources department, I would like to accomplish two things: increase awareness for the bountiful recreational opportunities in West Virginia and the rest of Appalachia as well as increase recreation quality and quantity for myself and my friends (more trips, bigger trips, better trips).
Well, if you are still reading this, then I'm pretty impressed I've been able to keep your attention for this long, but I'm almost done. Two of my side projects for this year are to document the adventures that I have throughout the year, and put out some quality footage of the classic runs in the area to get more people hooked.
See You Out There